👋 Hi, I'm Alex.
I'm assuming you knew that already. I'm not a public figure of any kind, I'm not particularly famous, and I'm really not trying to be. I'm not a content creator, a creative, a writer, or an artist. I'm just a guy.
🤷♂️ So why do you have a website?
Great question. I grew up with social media - not that I had it since birth or anything, but I watched it grow as I did. Livejournal, Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok - as I grew up, I watched social media...evolve? Grow? Get weirder?
Over the past few years, it seems like the risks of being a part of these social networks are far outweighing the rewards. Whether it's been data and privacy concerns, mental health issues, or the promotion of hate speech and extremist beliefs, the ability to "👍" a picture from someone I went to high school with doesn't really feel worth it anymore.
So, in January of 2025, I took inventory of what I actually use my socials for. The list was as follows:
- Life updates to/from close friends & family
- News consumption/breaking news updates
- Hyper-local/community updates
- Doom-scrolling/boredom
This website is an attempt to chip away at the first item. I'll maintain a few pages of public content (probably professional assets, recipe shares, and links to other services that I use), and then keep a private blog running for close friends and family. The plan is to share monthly updates with those closest to me - activities, family photos & videos, general life updates - anything I would've posted on socials, really.
🤦♂️ Is this really the solution?
I don't know. But I know I'm tired of doomscrolling and bumping my dopamine receptors with little red notifications. And I know I can't in good conscience keep supporting sites that promote hate speech, racism, bigotry, homophobia, and transphobia.
I don't think this site is going to save the world or anything, but it doesn't need to.
It just needs to work for me.
📬How do I subscribe to your posts?
Yeah, it felt kinda weird to allow anyone on the internet subscribe to my personal family updates, no?
If you know me, just reach out! I can send you a link to sign up and you'll be all set. You can get the posts as emails, or head onto the site and view them like a traditional blog. I'm pretty sure you know how to get in touch with me (text, call, email, etc.)
If you don't know me, sorry, but I really don't want you checking in on my family. Feel free to check out the rest of my stuff on here (if you like cooking, cycling, DND, reading, pop punk music, or the New York Yankees), but I'm gonna keep personal updates personal.
🧑💻 Thanks for reading! We'll see how this works out!